Flower delivered to our office today..
The receptionist called me and ask who is "ong....", isn't her pretty?
And I asked why... She straightly read out the love message frome the card the appear on the flower...
Both of us laugh together...
There is one guy, we got no idea who is this,
he sent in the flower without name to my colleague,
and wrote on message is something like:
" Your pretty make me can't forget about you on my first sight..."
and bla bla bla..
Between, why nobody can't forget my beauty on my first sight leh?? >.<
Too bad... But, the receiver still don't know she received the flower.
Is so bad that I'm the one walk down all the way to the receiption counter
to bring up the flower and put on her table.. but the flowers are not mine.
I also want to ask someone send in the flower to me and write You are my STAR, Your are my Sunshine..
haha... getting mad d..
By the way, I think someone will get suprise when she back to the office by tomorrow.